Innovative Methodologies and Practices on VET
Realised in the Framework of the Programme
Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnerships for VET
The “IMPROVE” project, aims to promote innovative practices and tools in VET, in order to encourage people to consider VET as an important choice on their professional path, as set by the European Commission in one of “Ten actions” of the new and comprehensive “Skills Agenda for Europe” (launched in June 2016). As Remarked in the Agenda the UE Commission purpose is Making Vocational Education and Training (VET) a “first choice” by enhancing opportunities for VET learners to undertake a work based learning experience and promoting greater visibility of good labor market outcomes of VET.
Project Number: 2018-1-UK01-KA202-047912
Project Start / End date: 01-10-2018 – 31-03-2021
IMPROVE project aims to satisfy the need for innovation in VET systems, thanks to alternative and successful methodologies/approaches to the learning environment, in order to create successful experience in job-oriented learning. This will contribute to reduce the lack of an effective system to transfer knowledge and provide learners of skills necessary for self- employment or employment. Recent studies by CEDEFOP indicate the need to innovate vocational training, so that it can generate new skills for new jobs that are emerging, but also for traditional jobs, for which new skills are required, in relation to technological innovation, demographics changes, environmental protection and energy saving. The methodologies and the approaches to analyze, deepen and test, will be: Entrepreneurship education, Work-Based Learning, Creative Problem Solving Methodology, web 2.0 tools for VET, Gamification of learning, Simulations and Digital storytelling, Open Educational Resources, ECVET implementation. The partners propose is to create innovative tools and guidelines, which can be introduced in their countries, used by the personnel who work in various ways in the professional training (teachers, schools organizations), widespread among the learners to support their employ ability and self-employment, shared by organizations in Europe, as the subject of further projects and initiatives to improve VET systems.

The main objective of the project is developing institutional partnerships supporting the set up and implementation of an internationalization strategy of VET learners and apprentices. All partners in their respective activities, thanks to the European projects in which they are involved, meet the needs of many young people and adults to acquire / improve skills and competences to strengthen their position in the labor market / their career. At the same time they meet the need for professionals and workers to be able to assert their skills and abilities in an international context in order to fully implement the Single European market. Hence the motivation of the partners to become involved in projects that can favor the international dimension of vocational training, the innovation of VET systems


Find An Internship
Established in 2015, Find An Internship (FAI) is an international agency, which specialises in finding internship placements in the United Kingdom.

Youth Europe Service
Y.E.S. is a non- profit association involved in the social and environmental field: Integration of people with disabilities or

Informamentis Europa
Informamentis Europa is a non-profit organization, founded in January 2012 and composed by European project consultants

Kainotomia is a center for Lifelong Learning (I.C.L.L) in Greece, operating in the field of Vocational education and training.

Euro-Idea Fundacja Społeczno-Kulturalna from Kraków city, Poland is an NGO born with the pro-European spirit and it is working since 2010

University of Turku (UTU) is a multidisciplinary scientific university, where expertise of seven faculties ranges from humanities to mathematics