Find An Internship
Established in 2015, Find An Internship (FAI) is an international agency, which specialises in finding internship placements in the United Kingdom. Our core purpose is to equip young people with essential skills, which will increase their employability, enhance their self-confidence and impact positively their societies. Our main values include; diversity between people, building positive professional and social relationships as well as high standards of personal and working ethics.
We have an extensive experience hosting foreign students from different European countries, providing training and cooperation opportunities, to develop their professionalism and the European dimension of youth work. FAI manages all aspects of the mobility experience, from the arrival in London to the beneficiaries return to their country of origin. We ensure that all participants feel at ease as they transition abroad, therefore, we provide an individual follow-up to monitor their progress throughout the duration of their placement.
Address: Eurolink Business Centre 49 Effra Road Brixton LondonvSW2 1BZ

Youth Europe Service
Youth Europe Service was founded in January 1999.
Y.E.S. is a non- profit association involved in the social and environmental field:
- Integration of people with disabilities or disadvantaged
- Mutual knowledge between people, to develop solidarity and assert the principle of civil living together
- Knowledge and protection of the historical, cultural, artistic patrimony.
- Development of the social, cultural and sports activities to create a European nationality
- Promotion of annual events among its members, activities such as giving information, realization of exchanges and voluntary services, organization of cultural events.
- Development of new entrepreneurs &job opportunities.
- Activities and initiatives in tourism development and promotion.
Address: Vico G. Lapenna snc, 85100 Potenza

Informamentis Europa
Informamentis Europa is a non-profit organization, founded in January 2012 and composed by European project consultants. It works to promote the social, cultural and educational cohesion, through projects implemented under the European Union Funds, particularly in education, culture and youth areas.
Since 2018, the Informamentis Europa is the hosting structure of Centre EUROPE DIRECT CASERTA (EDIC CASERTA).
Address: Via Caduti sul Lavoro 109, 81100 Caserta (CE)
Phone: +390823354691

“KAINOTOMIA” is a Center for Lifelong Learning (I.C.L.L) in Greece, operating in the field of Vocational education and training. KAINOTOMIA has implemented more than 60 continuous vocational training programs targeted at unemployed people, educators of all education levels, students of higher education, employed/self-employed persons and vulnerable social groups, for the development of professional opportunities and their promotion and integration into the labour market and the society in general, through innovative close to market programs.“KAINOTOMIA” provide business consultancy to companies & supporting services and consulting support services to trainees to facilitate their (re) entrance into the labour market. KAINOTOMIA has participated in several national projects, offering a high degree of expertise regarding training in contemporary fields, matching them with those that have a high demand in job’s market, in order to develop trainees’ knowledge, skills and attitudes towards their integration in the labour market.“KAINOTOMIA” has been participating in co funded national projects under the name of “local development plans and entrepreneurship for unemployed based on specific local needs and growth potential”. Furthermore, it has participated in EU projects, under Erasmus+, as a coordinator and partner.
“KAINOTOMIA” works closely with various enterprises, having a network of over 60 collaborative partner businesses, mainly industries. Therefore, has a strong network of collaborating Associations and partners in Greece and Europe. The organization collaborates with Region & Local Government, Universities and Technological Institutes and Private & Non Private Companies in Greece and in Europe. “KAINOTOMIA” is a member of Association of Thessalian in Enterprises and Industries and has strong collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas.
Address: Innovation Center for Lifelong Learning
111 Socratous Str., Larissa, Greece

Euro-Idea Fundacja Społeczno-Kulturalna from Kraków city, Poland is an NGO born with the pro-European spirit and it is working since 2010 in the field of culture, adult education and VET.
The foundation is a member of local and international networks and is cooperating with several international and regional organisations.
The main foundation targets are:
- Develop educational activities among adults and youth;
- Promote innovation in education for adults and new skills development;
- Develop opportunities for local and international cooperation between local authorities, institutions, business and educational systems;
- Support economic development, including the development of entrepreneurship;
- Sustain disadvantaged groups;
- Make promotion and organization of voluntary;
Euro-Idea achieves targets by participation and development of training courses, workshops, events, study visits, cultural exchanges, information points. The organisation performs activities with young and adults.
Address: ul. Podłącze 16/1, 30-218, Kraków

Address: Joukahaisenkatu 3, 20520, Turku